Neutral Ground, Regina, Saskatchewan, 2020.

A project created collaboratively with John Patterson and Rachael Thorleifson, an exhibition and workshop about the transformation of space into place. Based on our experience of sharing a living space as a general premise, the installation used text, photography, video and sculpture to examine our relationship to places we call our own, places of labour and work, historical sites, and the performative gesture of redefining space into place. The exhibition used industrial processes (including metal fabrication, powder-coating, sewing and dye-sublimating) to better understand our relationships to one another, to the gallery space — formerly a garment manufacturer — and how we define sites of labour, friendship and home. In a corresponding workshop, we led participants through the process of recounting the physical layout of their homes, first by drawing the layouts of those homes from memory, then by leading each other in guided walkthroughs of the remembered living spaces.